
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

The Events of the Last Week

I know my posts have been non-existent since the beginning of last week, but I've had a pretty hectic and emotionally trying seven days. Let's start with school. I was so excited about getting my classes situated for the semester, so I could officially say in December I would be able to graduate. One thing led to another and I ended up having to withdraw. I couldn't force myself to take classes I didn't need for my major to ultimately only have to tack on another semester anyways. The five day class schedule wasn't something I would prefer to deal with, but after lots of praying and soul searching, I know that this was in my best interest and besides...when you've been in school as long as I have what's six more months?

Now moving past that, Sunday my darling little nephew turned 2. He had a Monsters University / Monsters Inc. themed party and my sister and I spent days making all of his decorations, baking cupcakes, and making him a smash cake. I enjoyed the time I was able to spend with my family and all the snuggling with my nephew and niece. There is nothing better in the entire world than the sweet baby kisses that they so willingly give. Their laughter is just music to my ears. They are both so small still and have so many life experiences ahead of them. You never know what they are going to do and they never cease to amaze me. 

The picture above is a prime example. He didn't want to smile and was being rotten, so we played airplane and when he was in the middle of chuckling his mommy snapped this picture for me. I just love it. My hair is a mess, he's not even looking at the camera, but it is one of my favorites. ♥ 

Even though you can clearly see my double chin, I also like the next picture, too. On the left is Carson and on the right is my niece, Harmony. 

Now away from the party and on to today. It's SNOWING!!! We never get good snow here in Kentucky. Let me rephrase, we never get snow in the part of Kentucky where I live. You get the occasional dusting, and the 1-2 inches that school gets called off for, but it has been snowing since roughly 5:00 this morning, and I am looking out the window at a good 5 inches on the ground. I love the snow. I know some people think I'm crazy, but that is one thing that I haven't lost from childhood. Even though school doesn't get called off for me, I love seeing the pretty white flakes fall from the sky and coat the ground and it takes me back to my childhood. I remember sitting and drinking hot cocoa or tea with my Nanny as we watched the snow fall. Now that I'm an adult and married, that doesn't happen so much anymore. But, that doesn't keep me from doing these things alone. The hubby doesn't really care for the snow and I hate the fact he has to drive in it, but... there's still that little girl inside of me that is jumping up and down for joy and wants to get her hands on a warm beverage and a good book. Ahh, childhood!

As far as food, water, and exercise goes.. the first two have been well, except for the cupcakes and hot dogs that I consumed on Sunday. My exercising on the other hand, has like my blog, been nearly non-existent. I think I exercised twice this week, three times tops. Definitely not one of my best weeks, but not one of my worst either. I'm making chicken for dinner tonight, per the hubby's request. I'll try to be better about posting during the upcoming week. Now that I'm not stressing about school and what I'm going to do, maybe I'll have time to do some of the things around the house that have been neglected. 

But before I go, here are some pictures of the decorations we made for Carson's party. It's not all of them, but I was proud of what we did. He will definitely be able to look at pictures when he is older and tell that even though we knew he wasn't old enough to care about how much work went into these decorations and all the baking, that it was important to us. He is one very loved little boy.

Until next time,


  1. Too bad about school. I have a question, tho. Doesn't your school have students schedule in advance of the upcoming semester? Back here, we schedule in November for the semester that begins in January. Only last minute changes are made during the first week. I'm curious to know if it's done differently in your school.


  2. Deb,

    Yes, that's the way we do it too. The problem I had was that I was scheduled for 5 courses this semester. I had been pre-registered for them since November. My advisor assured me that all of my courses would count for my major. The Friday before classes started, I accidentally dropped one of my classes that I needed to stay on track for graduation. The professor told me it was fine to pick it back up and that he'd approve or sign anything the school needed him to, but that he couldn't actually put me in the class my advisor would have to. So, this is where my last post about trying to get in touch with an advisor began. The way I found out about the courses not counting for my major was that when school started last Monday, I heard from two different professors that 2 specific courses I was taking wouldn't count toward my major because they didn't have certain attributes (Literature in my case). I ended up finding out that the person who had been my advisor wasn't even in the English department anymore (as I wrote in my last post), and that they were wrong about what I needed to graduate and what classes will/will not count toward my degree. There was even a class I took last semester that I found out won't count toward my major. There is another course that I have to take the semester I intend to graduate, however, I wasn't informed that there was a pre-requisite for that class that wasn't even being offered this semester. I'm still getting in the hang of the way this college works, but it really makes me miss my old college. I was 3 semesters away from graduating with a BA in Elementary Education and decided it wasn't what I wanted to do. Hope this cleared things up.

    1. Ack. Yes, it does clear things up. That's just awful. All of it. I remember having to work really hard to get all of my prereqs in. At my university, and probably yours, some courses are only offered every other semester and not in the summer, soooooo, it was a bit tricky to get the classes in and in the right order.

      If you haven't already, try to get what we called a "distribution sheet" that lists all of the required courses for graduation in your major. They are often updated from year to year with classes switched out, BUT the distribution sheet you go by is the one that was in effect the semester you starated school. School does not require you to witch up as the requirements change. (If they did No ONE would ever graduate!)

      I wonder if there was a change in the reqs from the time you started and this year. I'd check it out. Regardless, whatever your school calls that sheet of paper that has EVERY course and elective you will need to graduate, you need to make sure it is in your hand. (I'm hoping whoever told you that your course selection was wrong, gave you one.)

      And, you know what? As important as it seems to "finsh on time," in the grand scheme of things, as long as you don't flake out and quit, an extra few months rally doesn't make any difference. Really, when your 50 years old and look back, will it matter whether or not you started work in January or September 25 years ago? What matters is that yo do something you love.

      Best wishes!


  3. Hey Ashley, I just caught up in your blog. I thought i set it up to email me when you ppst something but didnt i guess.
    Are you still thinking about going to a gym? Please dont be scared. Everyone is there for the same reason. Walk in like you own it and do your thing!! After awhile you wont notice ppl around you. Where we used to live the gym was full of fake ppl. So i would go a town over to workout. So feel it out.
    Some weeks i focus on food or workout when things are crazy or off. One is better than none. Just keep going!!

  4. Thanks for your sweet, sweet words Clarissa! You are one of my many forms of inspiration right now.
